The video Memories in Time speaks on the human desire to slow down moments in time, in connection to photography and impact that these two factors have on memories. This idea stemmed from my own experience with photographs, and how they tend to have a way of bringing me back to an event (whether simple or glorified), and encourages a supercut of cherished highlights. This video demonstrates its relevance for a broader audience with the ability to extend a level of emotional characteristics, that can be seen as relatable to anyone who has experienced memories, and/or attempted to capture a moment with technology.

An audio clip I had embedded in the video stated that the way we remember and shape our memories change over time. This statement emphasises both the literal and metaphorical messages throughout the video. When speaking literally, the video visually portrays memories in two different ways; one with a polaroid, and another with a cell phone. This conveys the generational shift in how we choose to slow down a moment in time. When speaking metaphorically, the video demonstrates that memories can exist as both a moment frozen in time, and a moving image that is often confined to the borders of the details that we remember. As a whole, the video is intended to emphasize the fact that time is a human construct. It is a reminder that we have the power to choose how we document and remember the moments we’ve spent, in addition to how they are left behind.
Project 1:

Work Title:

Memories in Time